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Tuesday 29 March 2011

Target Audience
The target audience for my magazine are late teenagers to mid twenties. I have aimed my magazine at this audience as they are generally the stereotypical age range that tend to listen to music and who buy music magazine. I have also aimed it at people who like and listen to rock/indie music as this is the genre of music that is in my magazine.
For my first question I ask how old they were. My results were that 3 people put that they were in my target audience range and then 1 person was aged between 21-30 and then the last person is aged 31+. [see figure 11]

The next question I added was how many magazines have you brought in the last month, this would give me some understanding of how many times they read a magazine and would pay for them in a month. 3 people put that they had not brought a magazine last month when the other 2 had brought 4+. [see figure 12]

For the third question I asked them what gender they were so knew what gender to target my magazine at. For this question 2 people were males when 3 were female. [See figure 13]
For the next question I asked them what there interests are. For this question they answered songs. I asked this question so I knew what to mostly put in my magazine. [see figure 14]
The next question I asked what their favourite colour is, this would help me decide my main colour on the front cover of my magazine. For this question 3 of them put purple as their favourite colour, 2 people voted as blue and red are their favourite colours and yellow got 1 vote the same as green. I let people vote more than once for their favourite colour so I could get a majority vote. [see figure 15]
For the 6th question I asked them how important a gift was with a magazine. For this question 3 people voted it is very important to get a gift with the magazine when both fairly important and moderately important both got 1 vote. [see figure 16]
The next question I asked them what magazines they are interested in, music got 2 votes the same a fashion and other. [see figure 17]

For the next question I asked them what type of music they listen to, 3 people voted for indie when rock, pop and RnB all got 1 vote, because of the votes I decided not to just do it on rock music but to also have indie music as well. [see figure 18]
The next question I asked how they would rate these magazines so I could base my magazine on. NME was rated at 2/5, Kerrang had a range averaging at 3/5 the Q also got an average of 3/5. [see figure 19]

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