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Tuesday 29 March 2011

How I made my magazine appeal to the target audience
I used my survey to make sure that my magazine was aimed and suited my target audience. I done this by reading through all of my surveys and making sure I had done all of the requested as they were the age and type of person who my magazine should be targeting.
An example of this is that the average vote given on how easy to read the fonts are was 3 and so I decided to improve how readerable the font is by changing it to a more plain font so it can be read easily. [see figure 20]

I made my front page appeal to the target audience by having a band member playing a guitar solo as the main image as this would appeal to my target audience and would grab there attention in the shop. I also used an informal font as this would go with the magazine and would also appeal to the target audience. The cover lines are also about bands that are in the same genre of music as the rest of the magazine and so if you recognise the bands in the cover lines then you would want to read about them and buy the magazine. As well as this I had a plain black background as most of the other music magazines that are about this genre of music have a plain back background so I decided to do the same as mine was targeted at the same people who buy them magazines such as Kerrang.
I made my double page spread target mid to late teenagers by having a black background again but with a dark blue title and sub heading. The main image on the double page spread is in a blue hoodie to go with the colour scheme on this page and to go with the same target audience as most teenagers wear hoodies. Also the language that I have used is informal to go with the style of the magazine and to still aim it at the same target audience. This double page spread is similar to that of Kerrang magazine as mine uses a dark blue when theirs uses a red, and also my main image is of someone playing a guitar and so does their’s, this is to make sure mine is targeting the right age group and the people who listen to this type of music. [see figure 21]

I have made my contents page target the mid to late teenagers who listen to indie/rock music by having the background to main image and the rest of the page as a brick wall as this will target this age group. Also it goes with the colour scheme on this page which is red and white. As well as the background the person in the main image suits the rock/indie genre as he is wearing a cardigan with a t shirt. Also the font on this page is easy to read and suits this genre. My contents page is similar to Q’s contents page as that also has a main image on the right hand side of the page with the paging and headings on the right. It also has a similar colour scheme with red and white, this is because we are targeting a same audience. [see figure 23]

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