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Tuesday 29 March 2011

One of the convention that my magazine follows is having a large masthead at the top of the page. Another magazine that follows this convention is Kerrang which is the same genre and target audience as my magazine. I used a large masthead so on the shelf in the shop you can clearly see what magazine it is and so if you are a common reader you will be able to recognise it easily.
[see figure 1]

Another convention that my magazine follows is having cover lines on the front page. I put some of the articles in the magazine on the front page, but only in notes almost which will attract the audience to the magazine and to read the articles. These cover lines will attract the audience as if they recognise the band then they will want to read about them and buy the magazine. Another magazine that uses cover lines is Kerrang as well as most magazines. [see figure 2]

The third convention my front cover uses is a barcode on the front in the bottom right hand corner, this is the main place for the barcode as on most things the barcode is near or next to the price and so the best place for the price is on the front. [see figure 3]
A convention that my double page spread uses is having text and the title on one of the pages and having the main image on the other. I used this convention as it makes the text easy to read because its in columns. In my magazine I put a large title at the top going across the whole of one of the page and part of the other so its clear that the image is linked with the article. I then also put a sub heading underneath it and underneath that I put the article in columns so its easy to read and its very common for magazine articles o be in columns.  [see figure 4]

The second convention I used on the double page spread is having the opposite side an image linked with the article, I used this as if you’re flicking through and you recognise the band then you will want to read the article. Most magazines use this convention, such as Kerrang which has the same target audience as mine does. Also as well as the image I also put cover lines on it about the picture and the person in the picture for some more information that isn’t in the article. In my case I used a picture of one of the band members and then put a caption of one of his quotes next to it which is another convention. [see figure 5]


The third convention that y magazine follows is having page numbers on in the bottom corners so you don’t need to open every page fully to see what page it is, instead you can just fold the corner over to see, this is beneficial if you were just on the contents page and are now looking for a certain page so you can just flick through. Almost all magazines have numbered pages including Kerrang and my magazine.  [see figure 6]
One of the conventions that my contents page follows is having a main image behind all of the text and linked to one of the main articles in the magazine. For my contents page I had a picture of Moynzy as this was related to one of my articles. I also put small captions of text around him just like I did for my double page spread which is another convention that my contents page uses. Another magazine that uses this convention is Q magazine, the benefits to this style of contents page is so if someone recognises the person in the picture then they would want to read the article or if the picture is targeted at them, for example if they are dressed as indie and you like indie music you may want to read about a new band. [see figure 7]


The second convention that my contents page follows is having the volume number on as this is one of the main pages after the front page and so I decided to place the volume number above the heading ‘contents’ as this is one of the first places you look on a page and so you will know easily if you have got he latest magazine. Another magazine that uses this same convention is Q magazine again. [see figure 8]

The third convention that my magazine contents page follows is having the titles of each page at the side of the page next to the main image. This is to make it easy to navigate through the magazine and to find the page that you want. Q magazine also uses this convention. [see figure 9]

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